Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I am a junior in highschool and want to apply to college. Do I need to send my transcript, letters, ACT score

and college essay now? Or can I send all these things later, after I already have applied? (I'm planning on re-taking the ACT, so should I wait or apply now?)I am a junior in highschool and want to apply to college. Do I need to send my transcript, letters, ACT score
If you are going into your senior year, it would be a good idea to prepare your transcipts and applications during the summer. ACTs can be sent to your specific colleges by just indicating it on the ACT form. Though, you should probably wait until at least 2nd week of September(that's when I'm doing it) to apply, just so you can get recommendations from teachers at your school.I am a junior in highschool and want to apply to college. Do I need to send my transcript, letters, ACT score
The earlier the better for scholarship purposes. However, mid-October of you Senior is fine for most institutions.
Definitely talk to your high school guidance counselor. That is the kind of stuff they are getting paid to do.

Otherwise, talk to the college admissions office about how to send stuff to them and when.
Good on planning ahead.

Every school has different requirement. The best thing to do is go to each school's web site and find out their application procedure. They will tell you what materials to include.
I'm not american but isn't it the SAT's?

You don't apply to college until senior year....your last year of high school.
no. in fact you CAN'T send them now. to avoid them loosing (or throwing away) your application materials, you need to wait untill they OPEN the aplication process for your class. in generally starts in august/september of your senior year

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