Get a loan and pay it off. Colleges are nuts about this. There is no way around it, you have to pay it off. If you want to go to school, take some general education classes at a community college. If you are a non-degree seeking student and just want to be transfer the classes, they will admit you without seeing your transcript. I have done this.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
College holding transcript can't go back to school or transfer anyway around this?
So I dropped out of school for the quarter was done. They charged me for dropping early 1200 and I can't pay it right now in full. Im making payments but they still won't release the transcript but I want to go back to school now. Is there any way I can find a loophole?College holding transcript can't go back to school or transfer anyway around this?
Get a loan and pay it off. Colleges are nuts about this. There is no way around it, you have to pay it off. If you want to go to school, take some general education classes at a community college. If you are a non-degree seeking student and just want to be transfer the classes, they will admit you without seeing your transcript. I have done this.child tax credit
Get a loan and pay it off. Colleges are nuts about this. There is no way around it, you have to pay it off. If you want to go to school, take some general education classes at a community college. If you are a non-degree seeking student and just want to be transfer the classes, they will admit you without seeing your transcript. I have done this.
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