Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What does a ';C+'; do to your high school transcript?

can it make or break one as well as what type of effect does it have when colleges look at it, because i got a C+ in span 5-6 first semester, and it looks like im going to get yet another C in the classWhat does a ';C+'; do to your high school transcript?
Colleges look at GPA. As long as you have a diploma and your GPA meets criteria they don't care. Only thing they look at for placement is SAT. Only way it matters is if it is a course used for college credit. Otherwise it doesn't make one bit of difference.What does a ';C+'; do to your high school transcript?
it will make ur transcript look very very ugly. my transcript is very ugly. i have quite a few Bs. i know how u feel.

it affects your gpa....... and stuff..... colleges always looking at all the factors so u stil have a chance to ur dreamschool.
if they are college transferable classes they only accept them with an 85 or better.
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